• Strategies for Keeping Ants Out of Your Restaurant

    Pests go wherever they can find food, moisture, and protection. Unfortunately, that makes your restaurant an excellent destination for them. An ant infestation near Pleasanton can be jarring to customers, and they might begin to question how healthy and sanitary your establishment really is. In addition to working with professional commercial pest control services , you can take some preventative measures to make your restaurant less attractive to ants.

    Keep a Clean Space

    Cleanliness is hugely important when you run a restaurant. Customers who see a restaurant as unclean are less likely to eat there, which means the company loses business and its reputation takes a hit. If health inspectors deem the restaurant unsanitary, you may even have to shut down until the problem is resolved. Keeping your space clean helps you avoid these problems as well as keep pest control issues at bay. Ants are more likely to show up when there’s food scraps and moisture to consume as well as places to hide, so keep clutter to a minimum and follow the right cleanup protocol.

    Seal Points of Entry

    Ants are extremely small and can get inside your restaurant with little to no trouble, but you can make it more difficult by sealing the exterior of your business. Look for small gaps and cracks that ants might crawl through, and seal them up to keep them out. Close your doors and windows, use area rugs by entrances and exits, and remember to sweep regularly. You can also have your commercial pest control professional help identify access points and catch the problem before it moves inside.

    Take Out the Trash

    Keeping trash around is never a good pest control practice, and it’s especially detrimental if you run a restaurant. Most of the trash that a restaurant generates is made of food scraps, which is exactly what pests like ants are looking for. A proper waste management plan keeps the ants away.

  • What Does Anthracnose Look Like?

    Anthracnose is a resilient, fungal disease that can affect many types of plants, including trees. If you’re wondering if you need tree disease treatment near Pleasanton because trees in your landscaping are looking less than healthy, then anthracnose may be to blame.

    Anthracnose is a very common plant disease in California, and it can cause hardwood trees to develop symptoms on their leaves. If your trees are infected by this fungus, then you may notice that the leaves have yellow, brown, or black splotches on them. Anthracnose commonly affects shoots and leaves, causing wilting and dieback. Papaya

    This disease can spread from one plant to another through things like wind, rain, contact, and gardening tools. If you suspect that your trees are infected with anthracnose, then consider contacting a plant technician right away for tree disease diagnosis and treatment. Taking steps now to control this fungal disease may help your trees recover and prevent the problem from spreading to other plants in your landscaping.

  • Your 2017 Pest Forecast for Fall and Winter

    In the fall and winter, many families end up needing pest control in Dublin as insects and other pests make their way indoors to find food and shelter. Watch this video to see the National Pest Management Association’s Fall/Winter pest forecast for 2017.

    Factors like flooding in some areas and heat waves in others are projected to increase pest activity nationwide. This fall and winter, mice are anticipated to be a bigger problem than usual in the Pacific Northwest. As for the Southwest and West Coast, hot temperatures are expected to promote more ant and cockroach infestations. In the Midwest, mild weather has led to increased rodent populations that will look for shelter indoors as winter approaches. Finally, the Northeast can anticipate seeing stink bug, ladybug, and mice problems this year, and the Southeast can expect increased ant, termite, and mosquito activity.

  • FAQs about Silverfish Infestations

    When the conditions outside are less than ideal, some bugs—known by pest control companies as occasional invaders—will make their way into homes. One of these pests is the silverfish. Keep reading to learn the answers to common questions that pest control services near Pleasanton hear about silverfish infestations.

    Why are silverfish in my home?

    Silverfish may be in your home due to unfavorable weather conditions outside. Or, considering that these bugs thrive in damp environments, things like high humidity levels or plumbing leaks may serve as invitations for silverfish to make your home theirs. Because they need to be in a moist environment to survive, you are most likely to see these bugs in areas like basements and bathrooms.

    Are silverfish infestations dangerous?

    Silverfish are not a threat to humans. However, because they like to feed on paper items, they can end up causing damage to items like wallpaper and books. Silverfish might also get into and contaminate food in your pantry.

    How can I prevent a silverfish infestation?

    As with any pest, one way to help keep silverfish out of your home is to seal up any gaps or cracks that they might use to get inside. Besides creating barriers to keep them out, you can help discourage silverfish from entering your home by removing sources of moisture. To do this, repair any roof or plumbing leaks that you may have, better insulate damp attics and crawlspaces, remove rotting wood, use a dehumidifier, and run your bathroom fans after showers and baths to help control moisture. Lastly, remember to keep your dry goods in bug-proof containers and clean up pantry spills right away.

    How can I get rid of a silverfish infestation?

    Implementing the preventive steps listed above is a good pest control strategy that might take care of your silverfish problem. However, if they continue to be a nuisance in your home despite taking these steps, then consider hiring a residential pest treatment company for professional insect control services.

  • How Cockroaches Affect Allergies

    Cockroach infestations are a common reason why many home and business owners end up hiring professional pest control services . These bugs are despised by many, but what people may not realize is that they can affect human health. If you’re dealing with a cockroach infestation in Dublin, then watch this video to learn how cockroaches can affect allergies.

    It’s typical for people to think of pollen, dust, and animal dander when it comes to allergy and asthma triggers. However, many people don’t realize that cockroaches can be triggers, too. The saliva, droppings, and decomposing bodies of these common household pests contain allergen proteins, which are known to trigger allergies and worsen asthma symptoms. A pest control company can inspect your home, determine where cockroaches are present, and then recommend a pest control strategy.

  • The Homeowner’s Guide to Earwigs

    Earwigs are among the creepiest bugs that can invade your home and garden. If your home has become infested with a colony of earwigs, trust a residential pest control professional to help you eliminate the issue. Using eco friendly pest control services, your exterminator can provide you with effective insect control for your yard. Before you schedule pest control near Pleasanton , however, you may want to read up on some essential facts about earwigs. Let’s take a look at what every homeowner should know about identifying and destroying these bothersome insects.


    Earwig in Pleasanton, CA

    Due to their unique features, earwigs are typically easy to identify. To determine whether you are dealing with an earwig problem in your home, look for insects that have long, brown bodies and characteristic pincers on the back ends of their abdomens. Be careful not to get too close to an earwig, as it can use its pincers to produce a painful pinch.


    Earwigs are mostly nocturnal, which means that they are more likely to become active after the sun has set. When you are searching for an earwig nest around your home or garden, look in sheltered spaces that are protected from direct sunlight. Since earwigs require moisture in order to live and thrive, they may make their nests underneath bathroom sinks and close to other water sources. These nasty critters also like to live underneath fallen leaves or piles of branches.


    To get rid of earwigs around your property, you will likely need to hire a professional exterminator. Your pest control technician will have access to special extermination methods that are designed to kill off earwig nests at the source. If you want to make sure that your earwig problem does not return in the future, set up regular preventative treatments with your extermination company. By treating earwigs before they can reproduce, you will keep your home free of pests.

  • Why You Need Weed and Root Control for Your Commercial Space

    When you are setting up commercial pest control services for your business in Pleasanton, you may want to talk to your pest treatment contractor about the possibility of setting up routine weed control services . With routine weed control and plant disease treatment, you will be able to maintain the appeal of your commercial property, while also preventing some common forms of damage. weed - root

    Maintain Curb Appeal

    When a prospective client or business partner arrives at your commercial property, he or she will make an initial impression about the overall appeal of your space. Properly maintained trees and landscaping will boost the appearance of your grounds, while also helping to add curb appeal. If you neglect weed control for too long, your commercial property may start to develop an overgrown and untidy appearance.

    Prevent Concrete Damage

    Tree roots and weeds can damage concrete sidewalks if they are not correctly managed. As tree roots grow and develop, they can start to push up through the sidewalks and other paved surfaces that are located around your property. Since replacing and repairing asphalt can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor, take the time to prevent concrete damage by setting up routine maintenance services for your weeds and tree roots. Having your weeds cut back every few weeks will go a long way towards protecting your concrete.

    Avoid Plumbing Issues

    Your building’s sewer line and water main will be buried deep underneath the ground. If mature trees are allowed to grow too close to your plumbing lines, their roots can grow through the walls of the pipes and cause serious damage. Over the course of several years or even months, tree roots can expand to completely block off a pipe opening. Regular root maintenance will keep tree roots away from your plumbing system and help you to avoid a plumbing emergency.

  • Why Wasps Attack

    If you have ever been attacked by a swarm of wasps, you may be wondering why these insects are so aggressive. In this video, you will learn all about why wasps are so likely to attack when they feel threatened. When a single wasp has been killed, it will send out alarm pheromones to warn the rest of the hive of a potential danger. A company that offers pest control near Pleasanton can help you remove a wasp problem from your backyard.

    To prevent wasps from attacking you and your loved ones, consider hiring a company that provides pest control services . With professional pest extermination, you can remove wasp nests and restore peace to your backyard. A technician who specializes in pest control will be able to create a custom wasp treatment for your property.

  • End-Of-Summer Pests to Watch Out for in California

    As the summer season winds to a close, you may want to take advantage of the nice weather by hosting backyard dinner parties or other outdoor events. However, the end of summer may also mean that your property will be in need of seasonal pest treatment services. By scheduling preventative pest removal services with a company that offers residential pest control in Dublin , you can keep late summer insects away from your home and yard. To help you prepare your home for the late summer season, here are some end-of-summer pests to watch out for in California. fleas - summer


    Wasps are dreaded invaders of any backyard. Unlike their relatives the honeybee, wasps will aggressively defend their hives with violent stings. To determine whether you are dealing with a late-summer wasp infestation on your property, look for black and yellow insects that have long bodies. Wasps can also be identified through their nests, which are often constructed on tree branches or along rooflines.


    During the summer season, you and your family and friends might want to spend more time in your outdoor spaces. When you are enjoying a pleasant dinner outdoors, however, a mosquito infestation can quickly ruin the atmosphere of your evening. Mosquitoes are known to carry a variety of dangerous diseases, including West Nile Virus and Yellow Fever. If you want to enjoy the end of the summer season by spending time in your backyard, consider setting up mosquito removal services.


    Along with protecting your home and yard from unwanted insects, it is also important to practice proper pest control for your pets. The warm weather that comes during the end of summer can cause flea colonies to grow rapidly. To keep fleas off of your pets and away from your home, make sure that you are providing your furry friends with regular flea treatments. Your pest control professional may also be able to provide you with flea control services for your backyard.

  • What to Do When There Is a Wasp Nest on Your Property

    Wasps are a common reason why people need summertime pest control near Dublin. If you’ve spotted a wasp nest on your property, then it’s best not to attempt removal on your own, but to instead contact a professional pest removal service . This step is to help ensure both your safety and that of anyone nearby. Some individuals can have a severe or even fatal reaction to wasp stings, so it’s better to be safe in these situations.

    The right pest treatment for the wasps on your property will depend on your preferences and needs, as well as the type of wasp that you have. Various species create different types of nests, and they build their nests in a variety of locations. Wasps inside walls are the most difficult to eradicate, and most attempts at removal that are made by inexperienced individuals only worsen the problem. For these reasons, if you hear buzzing coming from within your walls, then consider contacting a pest control company right away.

    wasp - nest