• See How One Couple Dealt with Brown Widow Spiders

    Spiders are an important part of the ecosystem, but infestations of these arachnids can pose a danger to people. If you’re dealing with a spider problem and wonder if you need pest control services in Pleasanton , then watch this video to learn about one family’s experience with a brown widow infestation.

    A couple in rural Florida was fighting a losing battle against brown widow spiders that had infested their yard. After several failed DIY attempts at exterminating the pests, the family gave in and contacted a professional pest control company. The pest treatment kept the spiders at bay for a few days, until the homeowners realized that the spiders were around their windows. After replacing their home’s windows with new, tight window frames and scheduling several lawn spraying pest treatments, the brown widow spiders were finally under control.

  • Dealing with the Effects of Dutch Elm Disease

    Are you looking for pest control or tree disease treatment in Dublin because the trees on your property look less than healthy? If so, one potential problem to consider is Dutch elm disease, which affects many elm species.

    If your trees are affected by Dutch elm disease, you will notice that leaves wilt, turn yellow, and then become brown. When the fungus enters through the root system, the symptoms may manifest lower in the crown and spread rapidly. When the infection starts in the upper crown, then the symptoms will start at the end of a branch and spread downward.

    Although this fungus can spread through connected root systems, it’s closely linked with elm bark beetles. If these beetles lay their eggs in an infected tree, the young hatch and pick up the fungal spores. After reaching adulthood, the beetles can then visit healthy trees and infect them with Dutch elm disease.

    Practicing insect control and pest treatment to limit the population of insects that can transmit the fungus is one of the best ways to deal this disease. Breaking root grafts between neighboring trees and treating trees with fungicides can also help manage the effects of Dutch elm disease.

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  • Busting Common Myths About Roaches

    A need for cockroach extermination is one of the primary reasons why people contact a pest control company. If you’re looking for ways to prevent a cockroach infestation in Dublin, then you may benefit from understanding more about these household pests. Continue reading to learn the truth about common myths regarding roaches. cockroach - pest

    Myth #1: All roaches are pests.

    You may be unpleasantly surprised to learn that there are about 4,000 different cockroach species worldwide. Some of these bugs can fly and others can’t, and some of them are black or dark brown in color, while others have light brown or reddish coloring. You may be glad to learn, however, that a relatively small number of cockroach species invade buildings and homes where they can pose a danger to human health. If you have spotted cockroaches in your home, then contacting a pest control company sooner rather than later can help prevent the problem from growing.

    Myth #2: Roaches are invulnerable to nuclear explosions.

    It’s true that cockroaches are extremely tough insects and that there has been research concerning their ability to withstand radiation. What’s been found is that roaches that are exposed to 1,000 radon units live and experience decreased reproductive ability, and about 10% survive exposure to 10,000 radon units. Comparatively, humans die after exposure to about 400 to 1,000 radon units. However, cockroaches die after about an hour of being exposed to 115ºF temperatures, so they are unlikely to survive a nuclear explosion, in which temperatures reach more than 100,000,000 ºF.

    Myth #3: A cockroach can live for months without a head.

    Roaches have different circulatory systems than humans. Instead of capillaries and blood vessels, they have open circulatory systems that allow the body to seal off an injured area more easily. Also, cockroaches breathe through little holes, call spiracles, that are in each segment of their bodies, and their brains do not control their breathing. While these facts suggest that cockroaches can live for a while without a head, the inability to eat food or drink water will cause the average headless cockroach to die within a few weeks.

  • Getting to Know the Spiders of California

    Are you looking for insect control or pest extermination in Pleasanton because of a spider infestation? If so, and if you’d like to have a better understanding of what type of pest control you need, then continue reading to learn about some of the spiders that live in California. California - Spider

    Garden Spider

    The female garden spider can be easy to spot due to her significant size and distinctive black and yellow markings. The males of this species are less impressive, but also have some noticeable yellow on their bodies. These spiders build classic, round orb webs and are commonly seen in fields, forest edges, gardens, and orchards.

    Carolina Wolf Spider

    This species is the largest of the wolf spiders found in North America. The bodies of the females are 22 to 35 millimeters long. Males of this species may wander into homes during mating season. These spiders commonly hide in burrows during the day and hunt actively at night.

    Southern House Spider

    This spider is commonly seen where people live and builds its web from crevices and cracks on the exterior of barns, garages, homes, and other structures. Male southern house spiders are often mistaken for brown recluse spiders.

    Gray Wall Jumper

    In the United States, these spiders live almost exclusively on the exterior walls of structures. The gray wall jumper spider hides away in crevices at night and is an active hunter during the day.

    Spotted Orbweaver

    This is a spider species that can vary in pattern, but these insects usually have a golden orange or rusty red color. You’re likely to see a spotted orbweaver spider living on a large web that is constructed on buildings and other manmade structures, particularly outdoor light fixtures.

    Common House Spider

    As its name implies, this spider species is prolific and widespread, making it a frequent reason why people consider pest control. The common house spider is associated with manmade structures, creates brown egg sacs, and can sometimes be mistaken for a brown widow spider.

  • Pest Prevention Tips for Restaurants

    When it comes to commercial pest control near Pleasanton , restaurant kitchens can be more vulnerable to infestations that other locations, due to the amount of food and water that’s present. Watch this video for tips on preventing pest contamination in the kitchen.

    Cockroaches, flies, and rodents can spread germs and lead to contaminated food. For this reason, pest control must be practiced in all food-related areas to help keep customers safe. While pest extermination is essential for existing infestations, it’s best to prevent this type of problem in the first place. Also, keep in mind that pesticides should only be handled by licensed pest control applicators and when food is completely protected. To help keep your restaurant’s kitchen pest-free, repair any holes in the walls, keep trash cans covered, and clean up spills immediately.

  • Tips for Keeping Ants Out of Your Office

    An ant infestation can be quite the distraction, especially if it occurs in your office . If you’d rather set your sights on your work than worry about pest control near Pleasanton, then consider using ant bait to take care of your problem. You should also make sure any food you bring into your office is sealed tightly, and call the pest treatment professionals to set you up with a plan to keep the ants out. Continue reading and pick up a few tips for keeping ants out of your office. ant - infestation

    Use Ant Bait

    If you want to keep ants out of the office, you’ll need to deal with the commercial pest control issue at hand. Before you call your pest treatment professional, try setting out baits for the ants. This will draw them out of hiding and give you an idea of where the source of the infestation is. Nobody wants to walk into an office to discuss business and discover an ant problem, but you can use this pest control method to eliminate part of the infestation and figure out where it’s coming from. Then you can take further measures to cut it off at the source.

    Keep Food Contained

    Once you’ve dealt with your pest control issue and you’re considering how you can make sure it doesn’t come back, think about what you eat in your office. If you’re a workaholic who eats lunch at the desk, it’s important that you keep your food securely sealed. A bowl of apple slices makes for a nice, healthy snack, but it can also lead to a pest control situation. If you’re going to be snacking in your office, don’t leave your dishes out in the open where pests can access them.

    Call the Pros

    If you’re worried about a pest control problem in your office, you can always work with the professionals. Your pest control pro will know exactly how to keep ants out of your office, and he or she can help you prepare. Call your commercial pest control expert to see what you can do for your space.

  • Facts That You May Not Know About Spiders

    No matter how you feel about spiders, they are interesting creatures. Aside from being the cause of a call for residential pest control serving Dublin , spiders have some characteristics that you might not expect. Certain kinds of spiders are vegetarians, and not all the Daddy Long Legs you come across are even spiders. They can also jump significant heights. Before you call for pest removal services, keep reading to learn about some facts that you may not know about spiders. spider - facts

    Some Are Vegetarians

    To those who have dealt with pest control issues in the past, a spider might just be a spider. There are actually many species, however, and they have different characteristics. In fact, one of these species is vegetarian. Bagheera kiplingi is a species of spider that mainly eats vegetables, which means you don’t have much of a reason to be scared of them. This type of spider is indigenous to Central America, and they like trees that have plenty of protein in their leaves. While Bagheera kiplingi spiders are mainly vegetarians, they become carnivorous when the dry season comes around.

    Not All Daddy Long Legs Are Spiders

    You should handle a pest control problem no matter what kind of pest infestation you’re dealing with, but what you call a Daddy Long Legs might not even be a spider. In addition to actual spiders, the term Daddy Long Legs has described harvestmen and crane flies. The only actual spiders that fall under the Daddy Long Legs category are cellar spiders, although harvestmen are in the arachnid family. Even though your pest control professional can offer you just about any pest treatment you need, sometimes it helps to understand what you’re dealing with.

    Spiders Jump

    If you weren’t scared of spiders before, you might be when you learn that some kinds can jump about 50 times their own length. This information might make you more likely to call for pest control sooner rather than later, but you don’t need to worry too much. Spiders typically only do this while they’re hunting or escaping a predator in the wild.

  • How to Patch Holes in Your Screens

    Screens keep bugs out of the house and pests out of the garden, but they’re not invincible. They can wear out over time, leaving your home or garden vulnerable to insect control issues. If you want to stay on top of residential pest control serving Dublin , you should know how to keep your screens together. Watch this video and learn how to patch up your screens.

    If you notice a hole in one of your screens as you’re surveying your property, you should patch it up immediately. You can start by cutting a square around the broken part of the screen. Make sure the hole is about half an inch away from the frame, and then center a new patch of screen over the damaged area. Add some glue to secure the new section, and spread the glue with a wooden stick. Now enjoy and take care of your newly fixed screen.

  • The Potential Health Effects of a Cockroach Infestation

    A cockroach infestation in Pleasanton can pose a real risk for those who suffer from allergies, asthma, and other respiratory conditions. However, people with these conditions are not the only ones at risk. It’s best to seek pest treatment as soon as you can in order to get rid of the roaches and maintain a healthy home environment. Feel free to read ahead if you would like to learn about the potential health effects of a cockroach infestation.

    Cockroaches are smelly and unsightly, but they also come with a few health hazards that you should be aware of. They have antigens that can aggravate symptoms of respiratory issues like asthma and allergies, and they can also carry diseases. What’s worse is that it’s not just the cockroaches themselves that spread antigens—it’s also their droppings, body parts, and even their saliva that transmit disease. A cockroach infestation may lead to diseases like salmonella, streptococcus, and polio. If you or a family member suddenly has trouble breathing in the home, you might be dealing with an infestation. Don’t wait to call your residential pest control expert to handle this infestation so you and your family can enjoy your health.

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  • Protecting Your Pantry Items from Bugs

    Did you recently require pest removal services near Dublin ? If so, then you may be looking for ways to avoid future bug infestations. Removing food sources is a critical component when it comes to insect control, and pantries are one of the best places for pests to find food. Continue reading for tips on bug-proofing your pantry items to help protect your home from pests. bugs - pantry

    Invest in New Storage

    Pantry pests can easily make their way through many forms of commercial food packaging. Also, it can be difficult or impossible to seal off many food items once the packaging has been opened. For these reasons, purchasing proper storage for your dry goods is an important part of household pest control. Opt for anything that is made of glass or heavy plastic, and that comes with a tight-fitting lid.

    Inspect Your New Groceries

    Many homeowners don’t realize that it’s common for pantry pests to be brought into the home in food that has already been infested. Because of this, it’s critical to take a close look at your new pantry items as you bring them home. Before or as you transfer the goods into your storage containers, keep an eye out for bugs and egg casings and discard or return anything that is infested.

    Add a Bay Leaf

    If you want to take an extra measure to help make your pantry goods less appealing to pests, then just add a bay leaf to each of your food storage canisters. This herb has a pungent smell that will cause a wide range of pantry pests to look elsewhere for food.

    Keep Your Pantry Clean

    If you have a busy household and especially if you have any young kids, then food spills may be a regular event at home. To practice good pest control and to help keep your food bug-free, quickly clean up spills that occur on the floor or shelving of your pantry area. The longer you leave spilled food, the more likely it is to attract pests.